🔥 Streaming API

  Get Movie :

  Using Imdb or Tmdb ID

  • Method 1:
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/IMDB_ID
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/TMDB_ID
  • Method 2:
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/movie?imdb=IMDB_ID
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/movie?tmdb=TMDB_ID

  Using Title & Year

  • https://pecah.my.id/embed/movie?title=MOVIE_TITLE&year=YEAR

  Get TV Show :

  Using Imdb or Tmdb ID

  • Method 1:
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/IMDB_ID
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/TMDB_ID
  • Method 2:
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/series?imdb=IMDB_ID
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/series?tmdb=TMDB_ID

  Using Title & Year

  • https://pecah.my.id/embed/series?title=SERIES_TITLE&year=YEAR

  Get Specific Episode :

  Using Imdb or Tmdb ID

  • Method 1:
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/EPISODE_IMDB_ID
  • Method 2:
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/TV_SHOW_IMDB_ID/SEASON/EPISODE
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/TV_SHOW_TMDB_ID/SEASON/EPISODE
  • Method 3:
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/series?imdb=TV_SHOW_IMDB_ID&sea=SEASON&epi=EPISODE
    •   https://pecah.my.id/embed/series?tmdb=TV_SHOW_TMDB_ID&sea=SEASON&epi=EPISODE

  Using Title & Year

  • https://pecah.my.id/embed/series?title=SERIES_TITLE&year=YEAR&season=SEASON&episode=EPISODE

âš¡ Download API

Download API same as stream API, just replace embed slug ( embed ) with download slug ( download ) :

Example :

  • Streaming API:   https://pecah.my.id/embed/xxxx
  • Download API:   https://pecah.my.id/download/xxxx

😋 Desserts

  Get Streaming Video with Specific Server

Just add server parameter with server name, at end of the streaming API


  • https://pecah.my.id/embed/xxxxx?server=dood.so
  Status Check

Check availability of specific movie or TV show using Imdb or Tmdb Ids

  • Movie - https://pecah.my.id/api/status?imdb=IMDB_ID&type=movie
  • TV Shows
    • https://pecah.my.id/api/status?imdb=TV_SHOW_IMDB_ID&sea=SEASON&epi=EPISODE&type=movie
* Daily Rate Limit: 100
* Season and episode are required for tv shows